Dr. Stringfellow's
 Business Home Page




Power Quality

Stray Voltage

Electromagnetic Fields

Mike's Biography

PowerCET Corporation

Personal Home Page


Welcome to my Business Home Page.  

Here, you will find links to various other pages that reflect my professional interests.  

In the Lightning section, you'll find short essays on lightning protection, lightning hardening of structures, and lightning surge protection.  Under Power Quality, there are articles on various aspects of power system problems, especially transients and the technology of surge suppressors.  In the Electromagnetic Fields section is some discussion of the possible hazards of power-frequency electric and magnetic fields as well as measurement techniques. The Stray Voltage section includes a summary of the problem of low-voltage exposure of animals and copies of articles and papers.  

There are also plenty of links to other sites of interest.   

PowerCET Corporation is the California-based consulting firm I have worked with for the past ten years.  Here you will find full details of consulting and training services that we offer, including our fee schedule.

If you'd like to contact me professionally, my telephone number and business e-mail address can be found on the PowerCET home page.

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